name is Mark Hoyle, and I have worked in the field
of archaeology and archaeological illustration for over
30 years, and am currently a full member of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists - Graphics Archaeology Group (CIfA).
Please use this site
to look at my portfolio, ranging from the usual pottery,
small find and site plan illustrations through to
various workshops and courses I run on archaeologial illustration. I have worked for clients such
as Vindolanda Trust; Northern Archaeological Associates; Norfolk Wildlife Trust; The Institute of World
Archaeology-Butrint; Pre-Construct Archaeology; Norfolk
Archaeological Unit; Durham University; The Portable Antiquities Scheme;
Northern Counties Archaeological Services; York University; Newcastle University, and many
Click on the YouTube icon below and subscribe to watch tutorials by me, on archaeological illustration.
Why not just take a photograph is the question I get asked the most. But for me the answer is quite simple.
Photography produces a simple image of the reflected light from the object. An illustration, however, is something more. It can simply produce an accurate facsimile image, but can also include subtle interpretive accentuation. This is essentially born of the experience and innate skill of the illustrator, but is dictated by the original rationale in choosing an object for illustration. Often that rationale is simply, what is it you are trying to show? I hope this at least partially explains the value of illustration over photography.
Illustration of a Roman shoe from The Vindolanda Trust. Click below to view more.
Illustration of an Ivory Gladiator Knife Handle from Arbeia Roman Fort.